Forum launches Global Standard for Volunteering for Development
Today At IVCO 2019 in Kigali, Forum launched the Global Standard for Volunteering for Development. This is the first standard of its kind, and will support organisations that work with volunteers to improve their practice and their impact.
The Global Standard is voluntary, and aims to improve the outcomes of volunteering for development activities, ensuring that organisations that work through and with volunteers are both impactful and responsible in their practice.
Three years ago, the Forum Board identified the need for a global standard and launched a consultation process that drew on the voices of community representatives, volunteers, staff, hosting and sending organisations, government and others from over 80 countries. The Standard came about as a result of this global, multi-stakeholder consultation process, and it reflects the breadth and depth of the process.
The Global Standard addresses four interconnected themes, which were prioritised by Forum Members during the consultation, these are:
• Designing and Delivering Projects
• Duty of Care
• Managing Volunteers
• Measuring Impact
The Standard is designed to ensure that all development programmes are designed in partnership with local communities so they respond to community needs, that all community members and volunteers are kept safe and free from harm, that the intended impact of programmes is identified before and tracked throughout, and that volunteers are fully prepared, trained and supported.
Show your support for the Global Standard by signing the Kigali Declaration