ActionAid Hellas

ActionAid Hellas
ActionAid Hellas
MemberActionAid Hellas, an affiliate of ActionAid Federation, was established in 1998. Since then, we have been promoting solidarity by supporting the empowerment of marginalized communities all over the world through child sponsorship, fighting injustice with public campaigns, educating the next generation through our Global Citizenship Education Centre and the international student campaign ‘Global Action Week for Education,’ challenging stereotypes, and nurturing global volunteering. Since 2010, 490 Greeks and Cypriots have participated in short-term solidarity volunteering projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, working with local communities and becoming passionate ambassadors of our work. Being the first Greek NGO certified and the only one deploying EU aid volunteers all over the world, we have already deployed 30 volunteers and we are about to deploy 36 more in 2020. ActionAid Hellas has also established a strong local volunteer programme.
ActionAid Hellas’s strategic vision is a resilient society where communities and their people are empowered to enjoy equal rights and act in responsibility and solidarity for a just and sustainable world. Given the new context, our main challenge is to balance our national and international role as we are building our local programs fighting poverty in our own country. In May 2017, we opened Epikentro, a community center in an underprivileged neighborhood of Athens, severely affected by the financial crisis, providing free services to children, adolescents and adults so as to empower them and properly equip them to (re)build their lives. AAH is a member of the Hellenic Platform for the Development, which coordinates Greek Non-governmental Organisations performing in the fields of international development cooperation, humanitarian aid and development education. Hellenic Platform also represents Greek NGOs in CONCORD – the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development, which consists of the main non-governmental voices of EU institutions on the formation of the European Development Policy.
ActionAid Hellas, uno de los socios de ActionAid Federation, se fundó en 1998. Trabaja para promover la solidaridad apoyando la capacitación de las comunidades marginadas de todo el mundo mediante el apadrinamiento de niños y niñas, la lucha contra la injusticia con campañas públicas, haciendo frente a los estereotipos, educando a la próxima generación a través de un Centro de Educación para la Ciudadanía Mundial y una campaña estudiantil internacional ("Semana de Acción Mundial sobre Educación") y fomentando el voluntariado internacional.
Desde 2010, la organización ha ayudado a 490 griegos y chipriotas excepcionales a participar en proyectos de voluntariado solidario de corta duración en África, Asia y Latinoamérica. En dichos proyectos, los voluntarios han colaborado con comunidades locales y se han convertido en embajadores apasionados de nuestra labor. ActionAid Hellas también ha puesto en marcha un potente programa de voluntariado local.
La visión estratégica de ActionAid Hellas es lograr una sociedad con capacidad de adaptación en que las comunidades y sus gentes estén fortalecidas para gozar de los mismos derechos y actuar con responsabilidad y solidaridad para crear un mundo justo y sostenible. El equilibrio entre sus funciones nacionales e internacionales lo consiguen creando programas locales para luchar contra la pobreza en Grecia, en los que prestan servicios gratuitos a los niños, adolescentes y adultos para empoderarlos y dotarlos debidamente al objeto de construir o reconstruir sus vidas.