Temporary Workplace Integration Norec Report Volume 2 Issue 1

This report examines workplace integration and specifically the integration of foreign temporary workers into Norwegian workplaces. The report considers barriers to integration, success factors, support from management and co-workers, and how workers’ living situation outside of work can affect their integration. The report also considers how temporary workplace integration differs from permanent workplace integration. Workplace integration is understood as the process of becoming connected to the social system in the organisation, through relations with co-workers and functional involvement with the productive tasks they engage in. This can lead to a sense of belonging and, thus, of contributing meaningfully to the common goals of the organisation.

This report identifies several measures that contribute to successful temporary workplace integration. Successful temporary workplace integration requires planning, clear expectation, and a focus on inclusion. The introduction when the temporary workers first arrive in Norway is essential to establish good integration early on. One key factor in this situation is clarification of expectations and communication between the worker and the workplace. In this regard, one of the most significant measures to take is to treat temporary workers similarly to permanent workers, while still valuing the unique contributions the temporary worker brings. This includes ensuring that the workers are tasked with work that is relevant to their skillset and knowledge, while also integrating them into formal and informal work situations. Inviting the workers into such situations can also contribute to longterm benefits for the organisation, as it helps to anchor their work as a part of the organisation, rather than as a side project, and helps to ensure that co-workers and managers are aware of the contributions of the temporary workers.

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