Forum Position Paper 2013 Forum and the post-2015 development agenda
This paper follows a 2012 survey of Forum members by Peter Devereux, for UNV; the presentation of the paper, MDGs, Sustainable Development Goals and the post 2015 agenda: opportunities for consolidating the recognition of volunteerism (Peter Devereux and Kornelia Guse) at Forum’s IVCO meeting in Canada in October 2012; the Ottawa Declaration; and Forum members’ participation at the London High Level meeting in January, and contribution of an on line submission as part of the preparatory process for the second high level meeting in Monrovia.
Part One of the paper is intended to provide Forum members with a summary of processes for the development of the post Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) framework, and an outline of some relevant issues.
Part Two provides suggested key messages. It is hoped that these may be useful for members’ work with representatives of national and global civil society, governments, and other stakeholders as they seek to demonstrate why the value of volunteering for international development should be recognised in the post-2015 framework, and encourage support.